Sunday 8 March 2015

iEat Avocado Toast

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Simple but Genius!

It's almost like my new tradition. I fall asleep after a big long day, go to the nicest places in my dreams - up the mountains and under the water of course, wake up when my alarm starts screaming at me, get myself on a Yoga mat to burn off my totally unnecessary carbs and run straight to the kitchen bewitched by the thought of my Avocado waiting for me to crack it open and destroy it. 

My Cracked Open Avo :)

A Recipe for Blessing

Key Ingredients:

A pinch of sea salt
A dash of black pepper
A drop of lemon
A slice of bread
A hint of excitement
And a very questionable Avocado

The Avo-Tomato Duet on my Chop Board
There's a lot you can do to this fruit to make it yummy in your tummy, I generally like to dissect it into thin, long strips for starters. 

You might also want to chop a tomato for your toast (optional), I like to.   

The rest is really a personal choice, some hand mash the Avocado while others like them in strips for their toast. I have phases - at times mashed, at times shredded pieces. Whatever you do, don't forget to sprinkle some salt, lemon and lots of black pepper. And drizzling some olive oil on top of it all, is always a good idea.

I've started to realize that a nice healthy breakfast in the morning really defines the rest of your day. My new Avo Toast tradition leaves me feeling fresh and energetic for the rest of my day! In fact, Leo Widrich, the Co-founder and COO at Buffer, points out How your Productivity is Determined by What you Eat in his blog. And especially eating Avocados is believed to lower bad cholesterol, and improve learning and muscle function. See for yourself!

In the meantime ..


Type A - Long pieces with sprinkled black pepper et al.
Type B - Mashed Avo with grilled Halloumi
Type C - Mashed Avo with an evil smile

Try it, and let me know how you liked it. Stay healthy, wealthy and wise. And, for more Avo experiments and recipes, check out The Scoop Avocado Blog.

Bon Appétit! :)


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  4. Very healthy n yammy Breakfast 👌

  5. wow good idea and also very easy to make healthy breakfast

  6. It's very useful to know about right food , Avocado is one of them .Thanks for information keep writing beta.all the best and super good luck.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi Laughing Ananas,

    Really like the "Hint of Excitement" in the ingredients..
    Keep bringing these lovely ideas.


  9. Hey, really enjoyed the post. Getting some avocados the next time I do shopping, and making all the three types you mentioned ..looks yummy! #BlogMore #NiceReceipe #IloveAvocadosToo! :D
