Wednesday 18 February 2015

iSing to my Plant

That's right!

It's soon going to be two years to that day when my dad bought me my very own Aloe Vera plant from a flea market that did a lot more than selling used, old rags. It sold life.

That's what he looked like when he was born to me

I'd take my Aloe everywhere, to the swings, on walks, underground tubes, and of course, supermarkets.

Spotted: Chilling in London with my friend :)

And most importantly, iSing to it. You may call it strange, but it's just a way of showing love. And my Aloe likes it like that.

Plants like music - FACT

There are a lot of studies in the market that have spent a lifetime in proving this instance. A beautiful snippet of this is presented by Sanjay Sharma in The Effect of Music on Plant Growth and Pests, for all those of you who are interested in learning more. 

Question. So plants like music, but how does that help you?

It helps your Attitude. Plants react to the attitude with which they are nurtured. And to raise a brilliant child plant, the parent aka YOU, must also have a brilliant attitude. An attitude of Love, Care and Patience. These are the key rules of life that raising a plant will teach you and fill your life with. Do you like that? So go for it! Improve your own life by raising another life with the right kind of attitude. Really, that's all it takes - One Good Morning Song a day :)

As for my Aloe, he continues to breathe, grow and live ...

Take 1

Take 2
New Life: Baby Pups beside Big Daddy

In fact, he's started having his own children. Just recently, I potted his baby pups in a different pot, so they don't overcrowd :) It's a beautiful feeling. I have enjoyed it and I know you will too. Try it! Keep living, keep loving! 

I'm a virgin blogger, naturally not knowing much about how stuff works around here. I'd really appreciate all the comments, advice and feedback. Gracias. 

Love life!

The Aloe Life


  1. Hi!
    I really enjoyed your post :)
    It was rather entertaining to read about your plant's life journey!
    Thanks for the share and wish Laughing Ananas the best!
    Your fan.

  2. Hey, I really enjoyed reading your post!
    Please do some more posts ... as they are very interesting to read unlike articles
    wish you luck! :D

  3. Hi Laughing Ananus,

    Really enjoyed reading your first blog and wish to read many more from you.

    It's really amazing how you have put your thoughts in such simple words and inspire us all to try new things in life.

    All the very best.
    Keep up the good work n keep it coming.
